Monday, 12 February 2018

The Cloud People, A Cautionary Tale(Short Story)

The Cloud People


Once upon a time there was a little girl who lived in a city above the clouds. One day, growing curious of the spaces below she queried her father: “Pa, why do we live so high, high above the fishes in the ocean?”
“My dear daughter, do not ask such silly questions, we live here because that’s where we have always lived” he smiled dismissing her plea and continuing with his work.
“But pa! there must be a reason for us being so high high up in the clouds?!”
“I am busy my dear daughter, I don't have time right now to answer your strange questions, go and ask your grandmother”
The little girl scampered off to find her grandmother. She was sitting in an old rocking chair knitting a hat from dragon sinew.
“What brings you here deary?” she said looking over her knitting.
“I want to know why we float on the clouds?”
“ooohh what an inquisitive one you are deary.. “ she chimed
“Tell me grandma, please please!” she begged grasping her grandmothers knees in her customary way.
“well, there is an ancient tale which my grandmother told me many cycles ago, we cloud people never used to live in the clouds, in fact, we used to live underneath the sky, on the GROW-UND...”
“Grow-und!! What's grooow--uuunnnnd??” she intoned.
“That is where we come from my dear, long long ago our ancestors lived on the grow-und where there is solid rock for homes and trees for shade from the sun'
“What is row-ck grandmother?”
“Tis a very hard substance me dear, such that even dragons couldn’t break”
“Wow! That sounds wondrous! but why do we live up here then if there is such loveliness down there?”
“That my dear is the big question.. Why do we live up here where the sun simmers our heads and the winds cut our teeth?”
“Do you know why grandma??!”
“Well deary, there is an old legend...”
“Wahhah! I want the truth grandmother no more tales!!”
“Shhhh.. deary, Legends are all we have left me dear, let me speak... Once humankind prospered on the surface of the earth for generations and generations, but then one fateful day, a foul and gigantic demon travelled from places unknown and made the earth its home. Men fought bravely for many years but eventually the demon exiled humankind to the cloudlands”
“But grandma! If we truly are grow-undlings then why don't we sink down like the fishes?”
“Still to this day, nobody knows, but it is said that the demons breath is so hot that it keeps us afloat in the sky”
“but why is the demons breath so hot Grandma?”
“Because he is very angry my child”
“but why is he angry?”
“Because he is a demon little one, they are angry by nature”
“But it’s not his fault that he is a demon, or ours.. so why did he come and steal our home?”
“No one knows little one, for centuries we have lived here and now it is our home, no one ventures to the demons lair anymore. It is too hot and arid”
“I want to go and tell him a thing or two!” she said with a look of determination, the type of determination one sees in the brilliance of youth, so bold, so truthful, but woefully harmless.
“hooh hahaha!”  her grandmother laughed and kissed her on the head.
“My dear child, it’s only a story, if the demon really existed, I'm sure he wouldn't change his mind about Humankind anyway”
“what did he say last time they spoke to him?”
“He didn't speak my child, he is a demon”
“Well that’s very rude of him! Well then perhaps we could send him a letter?”
Her grandmother chuckled at the childish notion
She sniffed and stomped off, her gait betraying her thoughts. She menaced this way and that, squirting spittle and making unpleasant faces at hapless passersby she sauntered in this haphazard way towards the gateway of the ancients, where it was said that her ancestors had first arrived at the city of the clouds. She sat on the precipice of the arch and looked over into the vast ocean of greyness that was the sea below. It didn't look all that scary she thought. After a few minutes of staring intently she became quite sleepy. Her eyes began to droop and her posture relaxed, she leaned comfortably into the archway of the great gate and she slowly slipped into the sleep realms. 

She found herself slowly floating towards the moon, with her body weightless, a curious sensation that filled her with fear. She remembered a similar event happening to her when she was only three cycles old, if it weren’t for her father’s brilliant grappling skills, she would have died out in the ether.
Children of that age had been known to float away if un-tethered; it was a young mother’s nightmare.
It started to get colder and colder and darker and darker as she floated higher and higher in the highest of high clouds. She opened her mouth to scream but there was no air to breath, she had left the clouds behind and the air along with it. Now the little girl was truly terrified and she began to cry.
‘Surely this is just a nightmare’ she mouthed noiselessly. 

Suddenly she felt as if she had moved through a barrier, some sort of membrane. The air became warmer again. She clasped her belly button, she knew that if she pressed it she would go back home.
She began to fall and fall and fall. Far far down she fell, the air rushing past her ears, the clouds wetting her skin and clothes. Her tears turned into screams as the earth approached like a slamming door.
She impacted the earth like a shooting star leaving a crater as big as a proud cumulonimbus. Her ears were ringing and her body was sore, but curiously, she was alive. Had she floated into the ether? Surely she was too old for such a thing.
 She gradually came to and gingerly raised herself to her haunches. She wiped the strange substance off her face and clothes and looked at it inquisitively.
“This must be the groow-uunnd.” she said like a mewing fish. She tried to stand up but she couldn't muster the strength. She flung herself left, then she flung herself right, but the grow-und tugged too hard on her little body. 

“I'm dreaming! I'm dreaming! “she screamed as she flailed left and right, scuffling around in the dirt.
“I must be dreaming...” she sobbed as she collapsed onto the floor.
“what are you doing?” came an enquiring voice from the edge of the crater. The girl looked up abruptly. “A talking fish! I MUST be dreaming!” she said impertinently.
“I am not a fish, I am a bird, a rather proud one at that” said the voulcher.
“No you're not, you're a fish, I have seen you swimming in the sky below us many times”
“I assure you.. you.. whatever YOU are.. I am a Vulcher, son of Trillkin The Third, in the proud clan of TallFeather.”
“Don't you mean TAILFEATHER!” she said with a giggle.
“NOT TAIL! TALL, TALL ahh! Tail Feathers!!!”  he strutted about in a peculiar manner with jaunty movements scratching at the debris with his talons and then jerking his head in oddly angular movements. 

The little girl jumped up and started imitating the Vulcher, “Tail feather, tail feather!”  she taunted between prances.
Then suddenly she realized that she was walking around without a problem.
“Vulchar, why does the ground tug at me so hard?” she said shaking a leg.
“ Well, thats a good question... considering the way you entered this world, I would say it’s because you come from the sky”
“but I am not from the sky, I am from the clouds, you are from the sky, fishy fish!”
“ I'm not a fish! ahhh...”  he sighed and shook his head raising a wing to cover his bald head.
“ if you come from the sky, then surely you can fly?”
“I can’t fly, I can only float”  she said innocently.
“well then, scratch a feather why don’t you?!”

The girl scratched her head, 
“You are very confused fishy... I have no feathers to scratch”
“Float! Float! For all the slim pickings and dead mice!”
“ but.... I normally float on the hot air....”  she said dismayed.
“ hhhmmm.... yes I know the hot air, it looks like your creator forgot to give you wings” he pecked at the girls arms.
“ow! stop that!” she squirmed. 

“Are all of your kind as wingless as you? I meant that in a strictly literal way of course” said the Vulcher clearing his voice awkwardly trying to disguise the insult.
“ Yes I suppose so”
“Are you all as large?”

“NO silly fish! I am only one kind of Human, I am still a young girl. There are boys too and men and women, aren’t there different kinds of fish?”
The vulchers neck vibrated with suppressed anger,
“There are many kinds of BIRDS, to be absolutely proper, we refer to them as Avions! but none as proud and as dignified as we Vulchers, we soar high above the planes and attend all funeral rights, we are the keepers of death and the concierge to the underworld. No other pheasant could boast such a regal task as our own. What do you huh-mahns do?”
“Well we live in the clouds, we can float, we hunt dragons for food and clothing.... We used to live on the Grouu--nd but the demon came and got angry with us and now we have to float around up there.”
“WHAT!? Great Carcassess! The plague The plague!”  The vulcher ran around in circles wildly flapping his wings. “The plague has returned! The prophecies were true I must warn my clan!” He ran for a short while and then broke into an odd kind of gallop. It was as if his mind had taken off before his body could catch up, then he was away as abruptly as he came. The broad strokes of his wings vaulting him higher and higher as if he were climbing the rungs of a ladder.
 The little girl watched as he became a speck in the sky and then finally disappeared. She collapsed into tears, feeling lonely and scared. She was certain now that she was not in a nightmare, she could usually wake herself up from a nightmare. She had fallen to the ground and there was nothing she could do about it. She cried and cried and cried until she had no more tears, she watched them vexingly as they formed balls of dirt in the hydrophobic dust. She curiously prodded them with her smallest finger and giggled as they rolled around and stuck to her skin.
“What a curious sensation this grow-und is” she thought.
Finally, after the entertainment of the sand had exhausted itself, she decided to climb out the crater and see what was on the grow-und. For the first time she noticed that the sun was nowhere to be seen, she looked in all directions including down, where it sometimes was, but today it was just greyness. She thought that this is what clouds must look like from underneath. “No wonder that fish thought he was a bird”. She thought, “Even uneducated children know that all the great birds exist in the sky and the fish in the sea. She looked around again, “The sky does look like the clouds from down here” She decided.
She clambered to the top of a small hill where she could see in all directions. The grow-und was extremely dry and loose. She had slipped and fell many times on her way to the top. The dust stuck to her skin like hunter to dragon.
There were some gentle slopes with speckles of brown boulders here and there. She didn't know what to do, she knew that she had to find the demon and ask his forgiveness but she didn't know where to find him. She wished the fish would come back and help her.

It was so dark down here, she could barely see anything. She looked this way, and that way, but all looked the same. Barren brownness... very different to the legends her Grandmother had told her at bedtimes, in those fanciful stories there were lots of green things called Trees and large bodies of something they called water.
She peered around the sterile haze for a few more moments in despair, and then finally, way off in the second east she saw a scraggly mountain. It loomed like a giant sleeping on the edge of the horizon.
When she saw it, she knew in her heart of hearts that that was where the demon lived. So she set off in the direction of the mountain. Saying only this to keep herself company:
“Why do you lie there so lazily in the shadow,
when I must labour hastily to reach your peaks,
 come over here dear mountain of mist,
so I may touch your glorious cheeks!”
In an instant her wish came true and she was standing at the bottom of the mountain. She fell backwards in surprise and looked around her in amazement. ' But how did I get here so quickly?!'
“I took pity on you my dear” came a voice from behind a great rock.
“No my dear, I only sound like her. I have a story to tell you, listen carefully and never forget a word. AND DONT INTERRUPT!”
“ You must be..”
“Once there was a planet full of beings who resembled sacks of water. They arose from the oceans of their planet and when they were spent, they returned to the earth to fertilize the next cycle. Their whole lives they would endeavour to maintain their seal and to keep from leaking. But some of them were intent on controlling the substance of life, they began puncturing others, and so.. they spilled each other’s water for millennia. Until one day, after using their planets life-force to destroy their enemies, A great demon was born, it spoke of a day when all seals would be broken and the sun would dry up the watery beings. They would become like the clouds and be confined to those spaces of thin air until they were ready to descend, and take part once again in the lessons of flesh and mortality. You my dear must help your people descend”
There was a silence in which the drone of the universe could be heard.
“Are you the demon of the mountain?”  Asked the girl, cautiously, afraid the answer would be yes.
 “No my dear, I am the spider in the tree”
“But there are no trees!” she said, looking around for the source of the voice.
“Not yet... not yet...”
“Did you bring me here?” she asked while tiptoeing to the other side of the rock.
“Your heart brought you here my dear”
“But how?!, I was far far away!”
“The heart cares not for distance or time my dear”
“Why did you tell me the story then?” asked the girl suddenly suspicious when she discovered nothing behind the boulder.
“You tripped on one of my magic webs, so I brought you here to eat you, but when I saw that you were a cloud creature, I decided to help you instead”
“I'm not a cloud creature! I'm a human”
“Oh my poor dear... You have been deluded so cruelly, With my eight special eyes, I can see the true nature of things, with my magical webs I can feel the fatal bonds between all beings, you are indeed a cloud creature”
“Then why do I have arms and legs like a human?”
“The same reason why you thought the Vulcher was a fish”
The girl scratched her head and peered at her arms.  
“But if the Vulcher is a bird, then is a spider a rock?”
The voice laughed. “Now you are thinking my dear”
“ Where can I find the demon?”  She asked finally.
“You must go to the top of the mountain and descend through the centre of the abyss. Be careful not to think of home my dear, or you might vanish into thin air” said the spider.
“But I love my home! How will I stop from thinking about it?”
“Before you descend into the mountain, you must seek out the.... the oh goodness me! Farewell my dear... I must away”
There was a sound like a musical chord and the voice was not heard anymore.
The girl scratched her head again. All this talk was confusing. Perhaps she could go to the mountain and think of home, that would end the dream and she would wake up safe and sound in her bed.
She decided that this was a most devious strategy and she set off for the top of the mountain. The terrain was tough and rugged and she struggled under the tug of the grow-und and the slippery arid dust. Everything so dry... so terribly dry...
 Eventually she grew weary and she decided to take a short sleep.
She lay down next to a tall thing which she thought might be a tree, but it had no green on it. Perhaps it’s another type of grow-und animal she hadn’t heard about during her bedtime stories. Nonetheless, the stark figure with many arms gave her a sense of safety as she began to count her sleeping rhymes.

“One cloud like a sheep of old,
two cloud like a ray of light,
three cloud like a dragon bold, 
four cloud like a glorious fight,
five cloud like a tear for love,
six cloud like a good intention,
seven cloud like the stars above.... 
8 cloud like focused attention..
nine cloud... nine cloud.... ni...' 

The little girl drifted off to sleep floating on the ninth cloud. Few children even remembered what the tenth cloud was, partly because they always fell asleep, mostly because the parents didn’t know either.
Sometime later she awoke to a shuffling noise. She opened her eyes and she saw a monkey playing in the tree. She had never seen a monkey from the clouds.. they were only remembered in artistry and tales of old.  
“Oh monkey! You have disturbed my slumber! What are you doing up there?”
The monkey said nothing with its voice but gestured that the girl should follow.
She obeyed and climbed a little way up the dead tree, she struggled and toiled and finally reached the first arm. The monkey put her on his back and they began to jump and swing from tree to tree. The little girl began to laugh at the way the monkey jauntily swung around. Seemingly haphazard but always as deft as a seamstress sews the next stitch, and so he clung to the next branch and the next and the next, they flew up the mountain at an incredible speed. She wondered how he always knew that the next arm would support their weight, as dry and brittle as they were.
Finally they reached the top after what seemed like an endless blur of brittle branches. The little girl jumped awkwardly from the monkey’s back. She turned to see where they had come from. There was a hazy landscape, hot and dry with looming shapes standing lonesomely sparse from each other in the looming dust. Their limbs were contorted and stunted in painful ways, as if they had been slowly leeched of their life. It filled the girl with an uncontrollable sadness, she had no idea why she was sad, but she felt as if these beings had once been great and tall like dragons. Powerful and majestic, she was sure that they had pooled around them the most wonderful creatures. Now they were left to starve and die without honour, the power of a warriors death stripped from them by slow attrition.
Was this the great forest her grandmother had spun tails about?
 Behind her there was a gaping hole that stretched as far as the eye could see towards the centre of the mountain. Down into the depths the darkness went like a coiling snake eating its own tail. It reminded the girl of the mouth that swallows stars when little girls go to sleep.
The girl became excited because she was very close to home. The monkey went ahead of her beckoning warmly for her to follow. She giggled with glee and began trundling down the haphazard rocky steps.
She played with the curious feeling of going downwards. Slowly but surely It became darker and darker until the monkey’s shape was a phosphorescent gloom ahead of her. She turned to peer up at the light when she suddenly bumped into the monkey ahead of her. She stumbled and caught her footing on a root and tumbled to the floor. The monkey helped her up by her arm, she felt his firm grip knowing that he was very strong.
When she tried to continue walking she realized that the monkey wasn’t letting go. Her heart raced with fear as she saw murder dancing in the monkey’s eyes. She struggled to pull free but the monkey was too strong. His mouth had begun to foam and his eyes gleamed with hunger. The girl fumbled around on the floor as she pulled away and thankfully found a rock. She violently smashed the monkey over the head and screeched in terror. The monkey loosened his grip in surprise and she pulled free. She turned to scamper up the stairs when her heart sank into her stomach.
She could hear them then, shrieking and hooting like savages as their silhouettes cavorted in the light from above. The monkeys began closing in on her, she turned to go down, but the murderous brute was waiting for her. She had nowhere to go. The monkeys circled her calling and crying in a chilling display of dominance, their teeth bearing bright like flashes in the gloom.
The little girl despaired and thought of home intently, as hard as she could, she even pressed her belly button. She didn't care what the spider said, she wanted to go home.  Why should she be responsible for helping the cloud people? She is only a little girl!
She thought of her lovely comfortable bed, she thought of her grandmother and her father, she thought of her mother’s grave in the clouds and all the lovely stars. She thought of the sun. She thought of her favourite games that she played with her friends. How pleasant her life was up there. Up.... she had never known the word to carry such meaning.
The monkey barring her way suddenly leaped forward and seized her arm, he bit into her soft flesh in a shriek of starved hunger. The little girl let out a yell of pain and tried to beat it again with the rock but he wouldn’t let go. The other started coming closer. She yelled again and pulled with all her might until her body was leaning over the edge, only the monkey to keep her from falling. In that moment she saw fear in the monkey’s eyes, she seized it and pushed with her legs with all her might. But the monkey didn’t let go, too greedy in his grip he went tumbling down with her as they fell into oblivion......

Then suddenly she was in a strange cavern with candlelight and a fire burning in the centre. She had never seen fire before but her father had told her stories of the dragons being able to make it. 
She walked closer to the fire and sat down. It was warm and welcoming but when she ventured too close it became unpleasant, it was only nice at a perfect distance. She cradled her wounded arm and looked desperately behind her for the monkey, but he wasn’t there.
“What a wondrous light this is, it burns like the sun, what sort of magical creature could make such a thing?” She was entranced for only a few moments until she remembered her thoughts of home.
“But why oh spider am I not at home!? My home is in the clouds, where the sun shines and the wind blows and the stars twinkle their secrets at night.”   She started sobbing violently and put her hands to her face and cried and cried and cried. Her tears mingled with the sand and soaked away.
“I don't want this place anymore, I don't like the GROW-UND! It pulls me too hard, its dark and the fish think they are birds! I don't like it here!”
She opened her eyes and put her hands in her lap. There was an old man sitting on the other side of the fire.
“Greetings brave little one” he said with a compassionate smile.
“Try not to despair too much” he said with sadness in his eyes
“Who are you?” she said between sobs.
“I am alone” he said with a reassuring smile.
 “I want to go home! Please take me home Mr. Alone”
“It’s time for change little one, everything must change.”
“I don't want to change I want my father and grandmother”
“I know.” He said soothingly. “Change is hard, Change is painful, change is daunting, change.... is” he sighed looking wistfully into the fire “ sometimes considered evil, but..... if embraced.... change will turn you into a flower that never fruits, into fruit that never falls and the seed that never grows”
The girl continued to sob and choke on air, her body convulsed with her sadness as her tears watered the barren earth.
“I didn't ask for this!” she raged.
“Oh but you did my little one, we all did, in the time before time, we all made a promise to learn the lessons of the flesh. It is time to go back to the flesh my dear, the time for fruiting has come”
“I don’t want your flowers or fruits! I want to go home!”
“When it is difficult to go on, we will think of home and of comfort and of the past. But we must have courage, think only of the moment. Remember that the past will always be with you, carried in you in every step of the moment at hand. You must speak with the demon my little courageous one. It will listen only to you. Your heart alone is warm enough to contain him”
“Here take this with you”
The hermit leaned into the fire and fetched glowing ember. He offered it to her and watched keenly for her reaction. She clasped it to her heart and said her thanks with tears flowing. She was not afraid of the heat because she had never known it. The little girl felt the wound in her arm knit together and the pain ebb away.  
“Remember to walk with your heart and good intentions, the strength of your family will take you right to the depth of the demon. If you hold this in your left hand, you will not need to think of home, you will KNOW that it is always with you”
“Mr. Alone why is being alive such a burden?”
The hermit smiled and embraced her compassionately.
 “Because suffering is the greatest of teachers”
“I don't understand.....” said the girl softly.
Slowly the fire faded away and the hermit laughed with tears in his eyes, they began to stream forth into the cavern filling it to the brim. The girl splashed and gasped as she tried to swim above the tears.
“There is no death my dear, only transformation!” he said as everything faded to black.
The girl blinked her eyes and she was back in the chasm, descending towards the demon. She wiped the tears from her cheeks and clasped the ember to her heart with her left hand.
She strode boldly down the treacherous path using her heart to see the footing.
After some time she became conscious of a faint red glow. The heat became more and more intense and it became hard to breathe. Oddly her steps became lighter, as she came closer to the glowing light she felt herself floating away, for an instant her mind almost thought of home, but she saw the impulse before it was a thought and she focused on the ember instead.
Her footfalls became heavy once more and she continued towards the red glow. As she reached the bottom she saw the blood of the grow-und flowing slowly like a sated snake.
She followed the snake down a narrow corridor until she reached a big cavern which stretched so high up that she couldn’t see the end.
In the centre of the grow-und’s blood was a clearing and a big rock. Sitting upon a large throne was a little man. He was reading a book with rather small spectacles. He had a tufty beard and a bald head.
“Are you the demon?” asked the girl in a faltering voice.
The little man calmly looked at her over his spectacles, closed his book and laid it carefully on the arm of the throne. Then his expression changed and the lava at his feet began to glow, giving his face goulish under-lighting. Steam flew out of his ears and his head expanded. The blood of the ground flowed towards him and fused with his body, he grew in size until he was at least twenty times the girls height, the bright red and yellow essence flowing through his veins. 


His speech was like fire and it made the little girl cower in the corner of the cavern. 

“But.. but the legends tell of a demon that threw humankind off the grow-und....” 


“What is your name good sir?” 


“That’s not true! We know love compassion and joy as well! You’re the one who seems angry to me!” she said clutching her ember. 


“That’s not true! The hermit told me that my heart is warm enough to contain you!”


The little girl caught herself and suddenly became fearful again, she looked uneasily around her and began to cry, it was so hot that her tears evaporated as they arose. She saw that her skin was starting to evaporate too and she began to float. 


“We are not murderers!” she said vehemently as she grasped the ember to her heart.  I will prove to you that we are ready to embrace you!”

She sprang forth and ran across the ground’s blood in a moment of extraordinary courage. She leapt up to the demons heart and she embraced him with her own. In that moment there was a blasting of steam and a shaking of the earth. The elements began to dance around them as they intertwined and began rising.  

The little girl, no longer little and no longer a girl, began to float up and up through the chasm, boosted by the demons breathe she threw her ember into the ground’s blood, she didn't need it anymore. 

She floated high into the sky and watched as the Vulchers did their death dance for her.
She said softly but proudly: “My name is Rain” 

She began to dissolve into her tears as it began to Rain and Rain and Rain...... and thus, the world fruited humans once more.

Thank you for reading! This is the first draft of this story, please leave some comments and criticisms below. I am playing with the idea of Illustrating the rest of the story, but I don't want to put too much effort in unless there is a good response from readers.

You can see more of my creations here: